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What would it feel like to live your life totally symptom free?

It may seem impossible to go about your month without any PMS, with no stomach pain, with silky smooth skin or even sleeping through the night completely. But, friend, over here that’s not just a pipe dream—it’s what I help my clients work toward every single day.


Well, oh hiiiiii, I’m Robyn.

I’m a functional medicine dietitian and health strategist. I take a root-cause approach to hormone havoc, skin struggles, and helping your body hum like the happy machine it was meant to be. But, I'm personally no stranger to confusion & complete desperation with health struggles. Especially when it comes to skin & hormones. I caught the health bug from my dad at an early age and started studying nutrition in college.

I practiced everything I learned (like everything) but at age 20, I developed psoriasis (a scaly skin condition - google image if you dare). It covered my entire body except for my face (picture chicken pox but like, all the time). The condition is obvious from a physical standpoint, but it also wrecked me emotionally. Medically, the next step was an immunosuppressant drug. FOR LIFE. (what?!?!)

I also lost my period for 6 months at that time. With that, they handed me a PCOS diagnosis, too. After two years of docs, dermatologists, and different medications, I’d had enough. I started asking deeper questions and playing detective. I dove into the research and started making real changes. Fast-forward to today and I'm psoriasis-free (with no meds), I don't have PCOS (never did, actually), and I get to help people like you do the same thing. It’s my actual fave.



how’d you get any street cred around here?


Well, my journey of addressing the root cause of my psoriasis & period probs quite literally changed my life. So, after that experience, I dove into training in Dietetics and Functional Medicine. My passion is to partner with clients and teach them not only what their body needs but why it matters specifically to them and how to merge it with their reality of daily life. Food is powerful medicine. But, first: you have to know your body. Then, you can discover how to use food to optimize how your body functions. Day in. Day out. For good.


I’ve had the pleasure to learn through lots of different experiences through the years:

  • working with clients one-on-one

  • speaking at professional conferences

  • writing a chapter of a textbook for Integrative Dietitians

  • interviewing for numerous podcasts

  • Interviewing for a documentary series

  • contributing content for online programs

  • writing blogs for various brands… and more!



  • BS at University of Nebraska- Lincoln

  • MS at Kansas University Medical Center

  • Dietetic internship at Kansas University Medical Center

  • Speciality training in Functional Medicine at KU Integrative Medicine Clinic

  • Certified LEAP Therapist

  • Root Cause Protocol training by Morley Robbins

  • Ongoing training, conferences and courses

Nutrition By Robyn Press


“ Prior to the program, I felt completely out of control of my PMDD emotions. I had previously been struggling with yelling at my kids, hormonal imbalances, cortisol issues, disrupted sleep, etc. but within the first month of my protocol, my emotional mood swings were VASTLY improved and I now have toolbox to support myself! When momma is happy, everyone is happy! ”

Krista Dabel



A root-cause approach, defined…


True health starts with healing. But, healing can’t happen if we don’t find out where you are with your health. We’ll start with an in-depth (I mean, DEEP) interview of you, your health and your habits, as well as lab testing. Through these initial steps, we’ll get some amazingly helpful markers to determine where your body is. My goal is to get the full picture of your health as it is, right now. And, it’s about more than just the food you eat. We’ll talk nutrition, movement, exercise, sleep, stress-relieving activities, sunlight, fresh air, what you do for fun, connection, and how you love yourself.

Those foundational pieces are key but we also get reallllyyy nerdy over here with things like stool testing, mold testing, nutrient testing and a whole lot more. It all depends on what you need (and we figure that out by me asking wayyy too much about your life). Then, and only then, I start to make recommendations for changes to make or things to add to your current lifestyle. This root-cause approach will lead to actual healing, not just bandaids and blind nutrition trend trust. I want to help you change your health and wellness journey, not just for the better, but for good.